Choose a Plan that Works for You
Start for free and add the tools as you need them. Get access to everything with our business tier!
free tier
no locations- no credit card required
- stay up-to-date with friends
- get directions and go instantly
- become an influencer
- promote your city
business tier
up to 5 locations- unlimited access
- 1 simultaneous temporary location
- data analytics
- creator partnerships
- cross posting
- custom point of sales
- multiple shop integrations
- customized business locations
- white labeled shops
enterprise tier
unlimited locations- $250 per location (save 50%)
- everything in business tier
- unlimited temporary locations
- creator-based ad targeting
- foot-traffic data analytics
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions below.
How does the free trial work?
Make a free account by clicking the button below. You will be able to discover content, create, share, and route!
How often do you release new content?
We plan on updating new content every month. As we scale our team, we will built custom features for businesses on an as needed basis. We are always aiming to be the best tool for creator growth, so we never stop innovating.
How do I work with creators?
AreaHype will help you find hyper local creators to promote your content. You can also refer creators in your network to us. Creators will be paid 5% of the gross transactions that they process through our point of sales system.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes you can! If you cancel, we will stop all future payments on the monthly plan. If you purchased the annual plan and decide to get a refund within the first 60 days, we will give you a full refund. None of your data will be loss or deleted, you will be downgraded to the free tier.
What age groups do you support?
We are an 18+ app. This helps us avoid penalty for regulations for payments, location services, ride-shares, and data analytics.
How does AreaHype make money?
We are a subscription based platform. We will also take 2% of transactions that we process through our point of sales system.